Skyrim Best Player Home Mods 2019

Skyrim Best Player Home Mods 2019 Average ratng: 5,4/10 7376 votes
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Best skyrim house mods 2018

An extensive mod overhaul for Skyrim: Special Edition. This guide seeks to improve all reaches of Skyrim, enhancing textures, modifying gameplay, improving NPCs, and much more. Skyrim will become a new experience, giving you a beautiful, yet deadly, land to explore. Page 1 of 2 - A good home for followers - posted in Skyrim Mod Talk: So im using U.F.O, with a few custom follower mods also. Slowly Ive been buying houses in towns, own two so far but they are terribly crammed with followers Ive acquired. Not that the vanilla homes arent great, its just that they were never meant to house so many people. The Hunter's Cabin of Riverwood is a lore friendly, free player home that's available to all players, almost as soon as you start the game. The perfect mod for those who want a beautiful, simple yet functional house from the very beginning, whithout feeling that you're ruining, or going against the lore.


For those who may care: I'll be updating this mod (FINALLY) once the newCK is released tomorrow. I never expected it to take this long, and all the additions and changes I want (and need) to make are contingent on that new software.

I apologize to anyone who was expecting displays, mannequins, and what-have-you... but like I said, I expected the CK to be released last month or earlier (so I never changed the description). I assure you that this player home will be quite worth the download once I implement everything (and more!).

Best Skyrim House Mods 2019

To those who may be experiencing crashing: This is almost always caused by my 'meshes' folder not being copied over to your game's 'data' folder.

Best Skyrim Se Mods 2019

If this has been done properly, the only other causes I know of have been some sort of conflict with 'injector' mods or possibly 'script extenders.' This should be remedied once I remake the mod using the software intended for Skyrim... as opposed to something made several years ago for some other game.

Thanks for your interest and enthusiasm, and I apologize for any shortcomings or disappointments anyone has experienced. Check back in a tentative week or two for the v2.0... which will better reflect what SHOULD have been the mod's initial release.

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