The Sims Castaway Stories Pc Download

The Sims Castaway Stories Pc Download Average ratng: 9,7/10 9678 votes
  1. Sims 2 Castaway Stories Pc
  1. For years, the Sims series has provided hours of fun as players create and customize virtual people and then provide them with the comforts of modern life. In The Sims Castaway Stories for the PC, you take them out of that environment and strand them on a desert island. Your Sim will have to build.
  2. The Sims Castaway Stories is the third and final game in the line of games The Sims Stories. It was released on January 29, 2008. The Sims Castaway Stories features the choice of either playing in a story-driven mode titled “Shipwrecked and Single” or a more sandbox “Wanmami Island”.

The Island - Castaway Intense challenges await you in The Island - Castaway, an extremely addictive. $9.95 DOWNLOAD; The Island - Castaway 2 The Island - Castaway 2 is a RPG game, featuring original characters. $9.95 DOWNLOAD; The Sims 4 Your stories. You rule in The Sims 4. Create new Sims. 19.99 USD DOWNLOAD The Sims Carnival SnapCity From the creators of The.

# Logging settings
set logGroup 'ConfigurationManager'
set logLevelWarning warning
set logLevelInfo info
set logLevelDebug debug
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Parsing configuration script'
# Constants
seti Off 0
seti On 1
seti Low 3
seti Medium 3
seti High 3
seti MediumButDefaultLow 4
seti memoryLevelHigh 512
seti memoryLevelMedium 384
seti memoryLevelLow 256
seti memoryLevelUnknown 0
seti cpuLevelHigh 2800
seti cpuLevelMedium 2200
seti cpuLevelLow 1450
seti cpuLevelUnsupported 0
seti textureMemory 1024
# Identify gfx device
# set some config variables based on a card table and vendor specific rules
# sets isCardFound, cardVendor, and cardName
include 'Video Cards.sgr'
# Fallback on the card name text supplied by the card itself.
# Assumes that at least the cardVendor has been matched, since
# vendor name is not contained in some vendor card names.
# Note that specific vendors are overridden to a default card.
# For ATI -> Radeon 9800 Pro
if (not $isCardFound)
set cardName $cardNameText
# Configuration override controlled by command line option -cardConfig.
if (varExists(cardConfig))
# test unsupported cards using sw rendering
if ($cardConfig = 1)
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Testing with all devices unsupported.'
set cardVendor TestingAllUnsupported
set cardName TestingAllUnsupported
elseif (($cardConfig = 2) and ($deviceNumber = 0))
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Testing with the first device unsupported.'
set cardVendor TestingFirstUnsupported
set cardName TestingFirstUnsupported
elseif (($cardConfig = 3) and ($deviceNumber != 0))
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Testing with the all devices except first unsupported.'
set cardVendor TestingAllButFirstUnsupported
set cardName TestingAllButFirstUnsupported
elseif (($cardConfig = 100) and ($deviceNumber = 0))
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Testing first device as swvp only part.'
boolProp forceSoftwareVP true
# Determine if gfx device is supported, force software rendering if not
setb useSoftwareRasterizer false
if (match('${cardVendor}', 'ATI'))
if (match('${cardName}', '*Mach*') or match('${cardName}', '*Rage*'))
setb useSoftwareRasterizer true
elseif (match('${cardVendor}', 'NVidia'))
if (match('${cardName}', 'NV 1') or match('${cardName}', 'NV 2') or match('${cardName}', '*Riva*') or match('${cardName}', '*TNT*'))
setb useSoftwareRasterizer true
elseif (match('${cardVendor}', 'Intel'))
if (match('${cardName}', '*810*') or match('${cardName}', '*815*') or match('${cardName}', '*740*') or match('${cardName}', '*752*'))
setb useSoftwareRasterizer true
elseif (match('${cardVendor}', 'S3'))
if (not match('${cardName}', '*Chrome*'))
setb useSoftwareRasterizer true
# unsupported/unknown vendor
setb useSoftwareRasterizer true
if ($useSoftwareRasterizer)
log $logGroup $logLevelWarning 'Unsupported video card. Forcing software rendering on this device'
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Supported video card.'
if (not $useSoftwareRasterizer)
# failed to obtain device texture memory size, force to 32MB
if ($textureMemory = 0)
seti textureMemory 32
setb textureMemorySizeOK false
if ($textureMemory < 28)
log $logGroup $logLevelWarning 'Insufficient video memory. Forcing software rendering on this device'
# require a card with at least 32MB
setb useSoftwareRasterizer true
if ($useSoftwareRasterizer)
# ignore texture memory reported by gfx device, this is not hardware texture memory
seti textureMemory 32
if (not $useSoftwareRasterizer)
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Hardware rendering is enabled'
# Apply gfx device specific workarounds
# Available device props:
# forceSoftwareVP
# forceSoftwareDevice
# queriesOK
# windowedModeFormatConversionOK
# enumerateMultisampleLevels
# skipValidateDevice
# enableDriverMemoryManager
# softwareDeviceLocalVideoMemorySize
# deviceLocalVideoMemorySizeDefault
# disableVSyncSupport
# substituteFlipForDiscardSwapEffect
# minTextureDimensionForBalance
# Additional props:
# vs2LoopsFunctional
setb textureMemorySizeOK true
setb supportsDirtyRect true
setb supportsTurboRect true
setb supportsSpecialEventCamera true
setb forceLowSettings false
setb forceLowResolution false
setb forceMediumMaterialDetail false
setb isIntegratedChipset false
setb forceMediumShadows false
setb forceMediumObjectDetail false
boolProp useRenderTextures false
uintProp antialiasingSupport 1
#ASPYR_NOTEBOOK was orginaly true, -tom
#This bool turns on culling of distant flora imposters.
#boolProp dontMergeNHFlora true
boolProp dontMergeNHFlora false
if (not $useSoftwareRasterizer)
# never trust the driver to manage its own memory
boolProp enableDriverMemoryManager false
boolProp vs2LoopsFunctional false
boolProp presentWorkaround false
boolProp enumerateMultisampleLevels true
# not enough texture memory for antialiasing
if ($textureMemory < 127)
boolProp enumerateMultisampleLevels false
if (match('${cardVendor}', 'NVIDIA'))
if ($driverBuild <= 7776)
boolProp vs2LoopsFunctional true
# on NVidia cards, create a dummy texture on device creation to prevent BSODs
boolProp createNVidiaWorkaroundTexture true
if ($appControlledAA)
# nvidia drivers handle offscreen aa
uintProp antialiasingSupport 3
# remove this when the texture manager balancing is fixed.
boolProp disableTexMemEstimateAdjustment true
# turn off dirty rects
uintProp antialiasingSupport 1
setb supportsDirtyRect false
if (match('${cardName}', '*GeForce2*Integrated*') or match('${cardName}', '*GeForce?2*Integrated*') or match('${cardName}', '*GeForce4*Integrated*') or match('${cardName}', '*GeForce?4*Integrated*') or match('${cardName}', '*GeForce2 Quadro2 Pro*'))
boolProp causticsEnabled false
boolProp enumerateMultisampleLevels false
setb forceLowSettings true
setb forceLowResolution true
# the 6200 Turbo Cache peformed very poorly in CATLAB runs for EP2
if (match('${cardName}', '*6200*') or match('${cardName}', '*6100*'))
setb forceLowSettings true
setb forceLowResolution true
# need to get around the problem of z fighting in GeForce4 cards
if (match('${cardName}', '*GeForce4*'))
boolProp raiseLightSnowFF true
# disable shaders by default for NV3x generation, only enable for high end cards
if ($maxVertexProgramVersionHWMajor = 2)
boolProp useShaders false
if (match('${cardName}', 'GeForceFX*') or match('${cardName}', '*GeForce?FX*'))
if (match('${cardName}', '*57?0*') or match('${cardName}', '*58?0*') or match('${cardName}', '*59?0*'))
boolProp useShaders true
boolProp causticsEnabled false
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Enabling shaders for high-end NV3x'
if (match('${cardName}', '*NV35*') or match('${cardName}', '*NV36*') or match('${cardName}', '*NV38*') or match('${cardName}', '*NV39*'))
boolProp useShaders true
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Enabling shaders for high-end NV3x'
# 5700 cards sometimes have problems with bump mapping so setting default to medium
if (match('${cardName}', '*5700*'))
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Forcing Medium Material detail on 5700'
setb forceMediumMaterialDetail true
if (match('${cardName}', '*5700LE*'))
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Forcing low settings on 5700LE and 6100'
setb forceLowSettings true
boolProp useShaders false
if (match('${cardName}', 'QuadroFX*') or match('${cardName}', '*Quadro?FX*'))
if (match('${cardName}', '*3000*') or match('${cardName}', '*1?00*'))
boolProp useShaders true
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Enabling shaders for high-end NV3x Quadro'
if (match('${cardName}', '*2000*') or match('${cardName}', '*1000*') or match('${cardName}', '*1300*'))
boolProp causticsEnabled false
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Disabling caustics as these cause cards cause problems with shadows'
# caps read vs 3.0, but dx9b is returning vs 2.0, once 9c is used this fix can be removed
if (match('${cardName}', '*GeForce*'))
if (match('${cardName}', '*68?0*'))
boolProp useShaders true
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Enabling shaders for high-end NV40 Parts on Dx9b'
if ($driverBuild <= 5216)
# turn off antialiasing to avoid BSODs on older drivers
boolProp enumerateMultisampleLevels false
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Driver is too old. Disabling AA on this device.'
if (($driverBuild < 5212) and ($maxPixelProgramVersionMajor < 2))
# turn off cinematics on older drivers with DX8 cards to avoid failed copies
setb supportsSpecialEventCamera false
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Driver is too old. Disabling SpecialEventCameras on this device.'
if ($maxVertexProgramVersionHWMajor = 0)
boolProp skipValidateDevice true
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Enabling D3DERR_CONFLICTINGRENDERSTATE validation workaround'
if ($driverBuild > 5216 and $driverBuild < 6176)
# force SWVP on 2D vertex shader to work around UI and shadow rendering
# bugs; known to occur on GeForce4, Quadro4, and FX5200 on driver versions
# 56.56 and 56.72; known not to occur with FX5800+ or with 52.16 or
# 61.76 drivers.
boolProp draw2DForceSWVP true
elseif (match('${cardVendor}', 'ATI'))
# loops support broken in 6458. Fixed in catalyst 4.9 (6476) but we require 4.10 to be safe.
if ($driverBuild >= 6476)
boolProp vs2LoopsFunctional true
# workaround for forced aa crash as of 6458. Fixed in catalyst 4.9 (6476) but we require 4.10 to be safe.
# TODO: this is not yet enabled, pending testing
#if ($driverBuild < 6476)
boolProp useRenderTextures true
# avoid a race condition with color copies and ui
boolProp presentWorkaround true
if (match('${cardName}', '*Radeon?VE*') or match('${cardName}', '*7?00*') or match('${cardName}', '*R100*') or match('${cardName}', '*IGP 3?0*') or match('${cardName}', '*9100 IGP*'))
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Forcing turbo rects off'
setb supportsTurboRect false
boolProp simpleTerrain true
boolProp causticsEnabled false
boolProp enumerateMultisampleLevels false
setb forceLowSettings true
if (match('${cardName}', '*9100 IGP*'))
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Forcing low resolution'
setb forceLowResolution true
if (match('${cardName}', '*Radeon?VE*') or $driverBuild < 6414)
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Forcing swvp'
boolProp forceSoftwareVP true
if (match('${cardName}', '*X1300*') or match('${cardName}', '*X300*') or match('${cardName}', '*XPRESS 200*'))
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Forcing medium settings or lower'
boolProp useShaders false
setb forceLowSettings true
boolProp usePS30 false
if ($maxVertexProgramVersionHWMajor < 2)
# Radeon 8500 and greater have problems switching between FF and VS?
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Forcing shaders of for ATI DX8'
boolProp useShaders false
if (match('${cardName}', '*8500*'))
#avoid z fighting with light snow
boolProp raiseLightSnowFF true
setb forceLowResolution true
if (match('${cardName}', '*9600 SE *'))
setb forceMediumMaterialDetail true
setb forceMediumShadows true
setb forceMediumObjectDetail true
if (match('${cardName}', '*Mobility*'))
setb isIntegratedChipset true
# X800 based cards exhibit rendering corruption if turbo rect is enabled
if (match('${cardName}', '*X800*') or match('${cardName}', '*R420*'))
setb supportsTurboRect false
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Forcing turbo rects off'
if (match('${cardName}', '*92?0*'))
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Forcing shadow detail on 9250 and 9200'
setb forceMediumShadows true
elseif (match('${cardVendor}', 'S3'))
if (match('${cardName}', '*GammaChrome*'))
boolProp useShaders false
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Forcing Gamma Chrome to use fixed function shaders'
elseif (match('${cardVendor}', 'Intel'))
setb isIntegratedChipset true
boolProp simpleTerrain true
boolProp enumerateMultisampleLevels false
boolProp disableVSyncSupport true # work around flickering UI
boolProp useShaders false # (EP2 change) mostly for performance, but driver issues showed up in v14.14
# the Intel minspec driver doesn't misreport available texture memory, so it's not
# necessary to adjust the texture memory estimate it returns. This may also fix
# a Windows 'device failure' message that occurs sometimes on this device.
boolProp disableTexMemEstimateAdjustment true
# assuming Intel parts are UMA, drop the texture memory to 32 if not much system memory
if ($memory <= $memoryLevelLow)
if ($textureMemory > 32)
seti textureMemory 32
if (match('${cardName}', '*845*') or match('${cardName}', '*865*') or match('${cardName}', '*830*') or match('${cardName}', '*855*'))
boolProp causticsEnabled false
setb forceLowSettings true
setb forceLowResolution true
# the 915 sets the caps bit that indicates it can do texture projection,
# but does it incorrectly in the pixel stage. Here we override the texture
# projection cap we get from the device.
if (match('${cardName}', '*915*'))
boolProp disableTextureProjection true
intProp deviceLocalVideoMemorySizeDefault ($textureMemory * 1024 * 1024)
setb forceLowSettings true
setb forceLowResolution true
# force sw, swvp, and no aa
boolProp forceSoftwareDevice true
boolProp forceSoftwareVP true
boolProp enumerateMultisampleLevels false
boolProp simpleTerrain true
boolProp causticsEnabled false
intProp softwareDeviceLocalVideoMemorySize ($textureMemory * 1024 * 1024)
endifThe Sims Castaway Stories Pc Download
# since we don't do bumpmapping on less ps2.0-capable hardware, eliminate tangents
# from the vertex data
# also, the presence of per-vertex tangents in the vertex data stream causes
# 'exploded' polygons on the Radeon 9000, even if the data is ignored by the shader
if ($maxPixelProgramVersionMajor < 2)
boolProp skipTangentsInVertexData true
# Print system info
if ($deviceNumber = 0)
logSystemInfo ' Application info '
logSystemInfo 'Name: ${appName}'
logSystemInfo 'Version: ${version}'
logSystemInfo 'Build: ${buildType}'
logSystemInfo ' Machine info '
logSystemInfo 'OS version: ${osVersion}'
logSystemInfo 'CPU: ${cpuSpeed}Mhz, Name:${CPU}, FPU:${FPU}, MMX:${MMX}'
logSystemInfo 'Memory: ${memory}MB'
logSystemInfo 'Free memory: ${freeMemory}MB'
logSystemInfo 'User: ${userName}'
logSystemInfo 'Computer: ${computerName}'
logSystemInfo ' Sound device info '
logSystemInfo 'Name: ${soundCardName}'
logSystemInfo 'Driver: ${soundDriverName}'
logSystemInfo ' Graphics device info '
logSystemInfo 'Number: ${deviceNumber}'
logSystemInfo 'Name (driver): ${cardNameText}'
if ($isCardFound)
logSystemInfo 'Name (database): ${cardName}'
logSystemInfo 'Name (database): ${cardName} <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>'
if ($isIntegratedChipset)
logSystemInfo ' (Integrated Chipset)'
logSystemInfo 'Vendor: ${cardVendor}'
logSystemInfo 'Chipset: ${cardChipset}'
logSystemInfo 'Driver: ${driverName}, Version: ${driverVersion}'
logSystemInfo 'Driver version: ${driverBuild}'
logSystemInfo 'Monitor: ${monitorName}'
logSystemInfo 'Monitor aspect: ${monitorAspect}, ${monitorAspectString}'
logSystemInfo 'Screen mode: ${screenWidth}x${screenHeight}x${screenBPP}BPP,${screenRefresh}Hz'
if ($textureMemorySizeOK)
logSystemInfo 'Texture memory: ${textureMemory}MB'
logSystemInfo 'Texture memory: ${textureMemory}MB <<OVERRIDE>>'
logSystemInfo 'HW T&L: Fixed function:${fixedFunctionHWTnL} Programmable:${maxVertexProgramVersionHWMajor}.${maxVertexProgramVersionHWMinor}'
logSystemInfo 'Pixel program: ${maxPixelProgramVersionMajor}.${maxPixelProgramVersionMinor}'
logSystemInfo 'Texture stages: ${textureStages}'
logSystemInfo 'AppControlledAA: ${appControlledAA}'
# UI Options
log $logGroup $logLevelDebug 'Begin parsing option definitions'
option MaterialDetail
setting $Low
boolProp bumpMapping false
intProp imageDataSizeReductionOnLoad 2
setting $Medium
boolProp bumpMapping false
intProp imageDataSizeReductionOnLoad 1
setting $High
boolProp bumpMapping true
intProp imageDataSizeReductionOnLoad 0
option ObjectDetail
setting $Medium
boolProp reduceBoneWeights true
boolProp useLODs true
intProp lodOverride 35
setting $High
boolProp reduceBoneWeights false
boolProp useLODs false
intProp lodOverride 0
option ObjectHiding
setting $Off
intProp renderInsideVisibleObjects 0
setting $On
intProp renderInsideVisibleObjects 1
option SnowOnGround
setting $Off
boolProp showSnowOnGround false
setting $On
boolProp showSnowOnGround true
option Shadows
setting $Low
boolProp simShadows false
boolProp objectShadows false
boolProp guob false
boolProp heightMapShadows false
setting $Medium
boolProp simShadows false
boolProp objectShadows false
boolProp guob true
boolProp heightMapShadows true
setting $High
boolProp simShadows true
boolProp objectShadows true
boolProp guob true
boolProp heightMapShadows true
option OpaqueUI
setting $Off
boolProp renderOpaqueUI false
setting $On
boolProp renderOpaqueUI true
option WindowedMode
setting $Off
boolProp WindowedMode false
setting $On
boolProp WindowedMode true
option Reflection
setting $Off
boolProp reflectionWithExtraViewer false
boolProp nhoodWaterReflection false
setting $On
boolProp reflectionWithExtraViewer true
boolProp nhoodWaterReflection true
option EffectsQuality
setting $Low
boolProp useEffects true
floatProp particleDensity 1
floatProp particleScale 1
intProp maxParticlesTarget 2000
intProp particleLODOffset 0 # subtracted from the zoom.
intProp effectPriorityLevel 1
setting $Medium
boolProp useEffects true
floatProp particleDensity 1
floatProp particleScale 1
intProp maxParticlesTarget 5000
intProp particleLODOffset 0 # subtracted from the zoom.
intProp effectPriorityLevel 2
setting $High
boolProp useEffects true
floatProp particleDensity 1
floatProp particleScale 1
intProp maxParticlesTarget 10000
intProp particleLODOffset 0 # subtracted from the zoom.
intProp effectPriorityLevel 3
option LightingQuality
setting $Low
boolProp lightingEnabled true
boolProp portalLighting false
boolProp floorAndWallNormalMapping false
boolProp specHighlights false
setting $Medium
boolProp lightingEnabled true
boolProp portalLighting true
boolProp floorAndWallNormalMapping false
boolProp specHighlights true
setting $High
boolProp lightingEnabled true
boolProp portalLighting true
boolProp floorAndWallNormalMapping true
boolProp specHighlights true
option SoundQuality
setting $Low
intProp AudioPerformance 0
setting $Medium
intProp AudioPerformance 1
setting $High
intProp AudioPerformance 2
# Options without ui access.
option DirtyRect
setting $High
# no dirty rects
intProp dynamicRenderStrategy 0
setting $Medium
# 4 buffer mode
intProp dynamicRenderStrategy 2
setting $Low
# 2 buffer mode
intProp dynamicRenderStrategy 1
option FullscreenFadeEffect
setting $Off
boolProp enableSnapshot false
setting $On
boolProp enableSnapshot true
option Turbo
setting $High
boolProp useTurboRect true
setting $Medium
boolProp useTurboRect true
setting $Low
boolProp useTurboRect false
option SimulatorControls
setting $High
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8
setting $Medium
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 6
setting $Low
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 2
option LightingOptimizations
setting $High
boolProp optimizedDiffusion true
boolProp incrementalLighting true
boolProp lerpLights true
boolProp useDirtyTiles true
option AnimationSamplingLevel
setting $Low
# sample nearest animation frame
boolProp animationFrameSampling true
setting $Medium
# sample nearest two animation frames and slerp
boolProp animationFrameSampling false
option LivePIP
setting $Off
boolProp livePIP false
boolProp livePIPDefault false
setting $On
boolProp livePIPDefault true
# do not override user's choice if the setting is ON
option SpecialEventCamera
setting $Off
boolProp chooseCameraSpecialEventEnabled false
boolProp CameraSpecialEventEnabled false
setting $On
boolProp chooseCameraSpecialEventEnabled true
# do not override user's choice if the setting is ON
option ScreenModeResolution
setting $Low
uintProp maxResWidth 1920
uintProp maxResHeight 1080
uintProp defaultResWidth 800
uintProp defaultResHeight 600
setting $MediumButDefaultLow
uintProp maxResWidth 1920
uintProp maxResHeight 1080
uintProp defaultResWidth 800
uintProp defaultResHeight 600
setting $Medium
uintProp maxResWidth 1920
uintProp maxResHeight 1080
uintProp defaultResWidth 1024
uintProp defaultResHeight 768
setting $High
uintProp maxResWidth 1920
uintProp maxResHeight 1080
uintProp defaultResWidth 1024
uintProp defaultResHeight 768
option SubjectTracking
setting $Low
floatProp centerTrackingDeadZoneMagnitude 70
setting $Medium
floatProp centerTrackingDeadZoneMagnitude 30
setting $High
floatProp centerTrackingDeadZoneMagnitude 30
option EnableLotImpostersInLot
setting $On
boolProp enableLotImpostersInLot true
setting $Off
boolProp enableLotImpostersInLot false
option EnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot
setting $On
boolProp enableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot true
setting $Off
boolProp enableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot false
option LotSkirtSizeIncrease
setting 0
uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease 5
setting 1
uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease 9
setting 2
uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease 18
setting 3
uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease 36
log $logGroup $logLevelDebug 'Finished parsing option definitions'
# Hardware Rendering
# ASPYR_NOTEBOOK // DNW: Default The Sims Life Stories to windowed mode
setOption WindowedMode $On
# This cannot be defined as a local variable, the if clause is still executed when
# sw render path is taken and an exception generated that fails the parsing. Be
# careful with the use of local variables.
setb usingHighDetail false
if (not $useSoftwareRasterizer)
# set a base level of options based on the card rating
if (($memory >= $memoryLevelHigh) and ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelHigh) and ($maxVertexProgramVersionHWMajor >= 1) and not $forceLowSettings and not $isIntegratedChipset)
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Selecting High base level'
setOption OpaqueUI $Off
setOption LivePIP $Off
setOption Reflection $On
setOption EffectsQuality $High
setOption LightingQuality $High
setOption Shadows $High
setOption MaterialDetail $High
setOption ObjectDetail $High
setOption ObjectHiding $Off
setOption SubjectTracking $High
setOption EnableLotImpostersInLot $On
setOption EnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot $On
setOption LotSkirtSizeIncrease 1
setb usingHighDetail true #use this to test if current level is set to high
elseif (($memory >= $memoryLevelMedium) and ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelMedium) and ($maxVertexProgramVersionHWMajor >= 1) and not $forceLowSettings)
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Selecting Medium base level'
setOption OpaqueUI $Off
setOption LivePIP $Off
setOption Reflection $Off

Sims 2 Castaway Stories Pc

setOption EffectsQuality $Medium
setOption LightingQuality $Medium
setOption Shadows $Medium
setOption MaterialDetail $Medium
setOption ObjectDetail $High
setOption ObjectHiding $On
setOption SubjectTracking $Medium
setOption EnableLotImpostersInLot $On
setOption EnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot $On
setOption LotSkirtSizeIncrease 0
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Selecting Low base level'
# NOTE: don't set forceLowSettings here, because this will force low simulator settings
# if all you have is a low end video card
setOption OpaqueUI $Off
setOption LivePIP $Off
setOption Reflection $Off
setOption EffectsQuality $Low
setOption LightingQuality $Low
setOption Shadows $Low
setOption MaterialDetail $Low
setOption ObjectDetail $Medium
setOption ObjectHiding $On
setOption SubjectTracking $Low
setOption EnableLotImpostersInLot $Off
setOption EnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot $Off
setOption LotSkirtSizeIncrease 0
setOption LightingOptimizations $High
setOption SnowOnGround $On
# adjust simulator based on cpu speed
# adjust the sound quality based on cpu speed (this may be overridden below for low-end systems)
# adjust animation sampling based on cpu speed
if ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelHigh and not $forceLowSettings)
setOption SimulatorControls $High
setOption SoundQuality $High
setOption AnimationSamplingLevel $Medium
elseif ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelMedium and not $forceLowSettings)
setOption SimulatorControls $Medium
setOption SoundQuality $Medium
setOption AnimationSamplingLevel $Medium
setOption SimulatorControls $Low
setOption SoundQuality $Low
setOption AnimationSamplingLevel $Low
# turn off fullscreen fade
setOption FullscreenFadeEffect $Off
if ($textureMemory >= 128 and not $isIntegratedChipset)
setOption FullscreenFadeEffect $On
# screen res defaults
if (($maxVertexProgramVersionHWMajor >= 1) and ($textureMemory >= 128) and not $forceLowResolution)
setOption ScreenModeResolution $High
elseif ($textureMemory >= 64 and not $forceLowResolution)
if (($memory <= $memoryLevelLow) and ($cpuSpeed <= $cpuLevelLow))
setOption ScreenModeResolution $MediumButDefaultLow
setOption ScreenModeResolution $Medium
setOption ScreenModeResolution $Low
# special event cameras for cinematics
if (($maxPixelProgramVersionMajor >= 1) and ($supportsSpecialEventCamera))
setOption SpecialEventCamera $On
setOption SpecialEventCamera $Off
# set dirty rect mode
if ($supportsDirtyRect)
setOption DirtyRect $Medium
setOption DirtyRect $High
# set turbo mode
if ($supportsTurboRect)
setOption Turbo $Medium
setOption Turbo $Low
if ($forceMediumMaterialDetail and ($memory >= $memoryLevelHigh) and ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelHigh) and not $forceLowSettings)
log $logGroup $logLevelWarning 'Setting Material Detail'
setOption MaterialDetail $Medium
if ($usingHighDetail and not $forceLowSettings)
if ($forceMediumShadows)
setOption Shadows $Medium
if ($forceMediumObjectDetail)
setOption ObjectDetail $Medium
# Software rendering
# set the options for the software rasterizer
if ($useSoftwareRasterizer)
setOption LightingOptimizations $High
setOption DirtyRect $Medium
setOption Turbo $Medium
setOption OpaqueUI $Off
setOption LivePIP $Off
setOption SpecialEventCamera $Off
setOption Reflection $Off
setOption EffectsQuality $Low
setOption LightingQuality $Low
setOption Shadows $Low
setOption MaterialDetail $Low
setOption ObjectDetail $Medium
setOption ObjectHiding $On
# adjust simulator based on cpu speed
if ($cpuSpeed >= $cpuLevelHigh)
setOption SimulatorControls $Medium # one lower than hw
setOption SimulatorControls $Low
setOption SoundQuality $Low
setOption FullscreenFadeEffect $Off
setOption AnimationSamplingLevel $Low
setOption ScreenModeResolution $Low
setOption SubjectTracking $Low
setOption EnableLotImpostersInLot $Off
setOption EnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot $Off
setOption LotSkirtSizeIncrease 0
setOption SnowOnGround $On
# save the selected configuration for this device.
boolProp activeDeviceUseSoftwareRasterizer $useSoftwareRasterizer
# tell the caller that we completely finished parsing the script
intProp configParserErrorCode 0
uintProp hwMajorPSVersion $maxPixelProgramVersionMajor
log $logGroup $logLevelInfo 'Finished Config File'
I was really excited for this since I played this on the ps2. I have to say it might have been better on the ps2. Now Im not done with it yet however I will say a few things. It was a bit glitchy for me which was not because of any type of system requirements. The missions were a bit meh. In the ps2 I remember creating a team on a cruise and you get washed up and do all types of cool things building your own shelter focusing immediately on creating a raft learning to fish and carve weapons. On this it feels like you buy some stuff here, buy some stuff there, explore and get lucky with finding people. I find the story-line so far to be uninteresting. If you want to play the story-line you cant design your own sims which kind of sucks. You can design them in the other option? While the designing is cool its very boring. This is also a game I can see has little replay quality. Glad I bought it used for only 20 dollars and didnt spend almost 100 on it.
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