Fl Studio Remove Vocals

Fl Studio Remove Vocals Average ratng: 9,4/10 3048 votes

FL Studio, formerly known as Fruity Loops, is a digital audio workstation. It has the ability to record instruments, both real and MIDI, and edit and manipulate the audio. Recording voice using FL Studio is slightly different with the program than with other digital audio workstations. Although it is not as powerful in recording vocals as it is with creating loops and beats, it is possible to do.

  1. Fl Studio Vocal Presets

Loop+ / Studio / DAW Tutorials / FL Studio. If you want a clean, crisp sounding mix it is important to reduce the background noise from your sounds and samples. Perhaps the noise of individual sounds is hardly audible, but if you have multiple tracks the noise gets magnified, which can make your mix sound muddy.

Step 1

Place the mic into the mic stand and at a comfortable level for the performer.

Step 2

Fl Studio Vocal Presets

Connect the microphone's cable into the computer's 'Line In' port. Note: This direct kind of connection will only work if you are using a dynamic microphone with a compatible 3.5 mm output cable. If you are using a condenser microphone, you will need to plug it into an audio interface, which provides external power to the microphone, then plug the audio interface into the computer.

Step 3

Launch FL studio on the computer. Press 'F10' on the keyboard to bring up the 'Settings' window. Choose your sound card from the first drop-down menu to accept inputs from the sound card's 'Line In' port.

Step 4

Press 'F9' to bring up the mixer, choose your sound card again as the input source for the track (choose it from a drop-down menu on the right). Right-click the mixer track you wish to record onto to enable disk recording.


Press 'Record' on the top of the program window to begin recording the vocals.

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  • microphone image by Alison Bowden from Fotolia.com

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