Carprog A4 Adapter Pinout

Carprog A4 Adapter Pinout Average ratng: 8,9/10 6215 votes

Jul 01, 2018  Here are pinouts and guides of read instrument cluster MB91F06X (MB91F060, MB91F060BS, MB91F061, MB91F061BS, MB91F062, MB91F062BS, MB91F067, MB91F067BS).Done with Carprog and A10 adapter. FYI, what is instrument cluster in a car? In an automobile, an electronic instrument cluster, digital instrument panel or digital dash for short, is a set of instrumentation.

This listings is for 1 improved carprog A4 adapter. (carprog not included.) A big draw back to using CARPROG for me was there where no good adapters for when you want to remove eeproms from circuit to OTOBekas. The pin-out is common for most all so-8 clip attachments. 2: SOIC-8 Footprint for soldiering the most common type of eeprom chip. A6 - CarProg SOIC8 clip for EEPROM Programmer. This adapter is used for EEPROM in-circuit programming and can be used with all CARPROG software - dashboard, immobiliser, airbag and others.Please note we do not support airbag tools or software due to state laws.

1. Universal tool - CARPROG has powerful 16-bit MPU and a full set of automotive interface drivers. In basic version you will get hardware with extra functions: 12 input/output pins for EEPROM in-circuit programmer, future possibility's to make on the same hardware Microcontroller programmer, K-line diagnostic, CAN line diagnostic,+5V/+12V output, USB, power supply only from USB.
2. The Low Cost tool - with CARPROG basic you will receive many extra functions (like car radio code calculator CC1, EEPROM programmer and VAG dashboard's programmer by CAN) .
3. User Friendly - Works without any installations, on all PC, use USB to PC link, all adapters schematics diagrams on-line.
4. The best function of it is airbag reset, and it cannot do by antenna.
Carprog full is designed to meet our customers demands of a universal OBD tool for car radios, dashboards, immobilizers repair and some more advanced functions like EEPROM and microcontroller programming.
Carprog full feature: To reset Airbag on most vehicles, CARPROG FULL is the best.

Errors and solutions here for eeprom 95160 read/write with Carprog 9.31 programmer:

In detail…

Carprog a4 adapter pinout download

Error 1: “ID not found” when read eeprom 95160

I connect usb cable with carprog and a6 clip to eeprom 95160 . it gives me error “ID not found” .

Solution 1: Desoldering the eeprom from circuit board and read not in circuit board, read eeprom on the table

Error 2: Verify errorwhen read eeprom 95160

Read with A6 clip. There is an error

Solution 2: Take a look here

Error 3: Verify OK when read eeprom; Verify error when write it

if i read it, verify ok

If write it, verify error

Solution 3:

probably have a damaged carprog.
Replace 74hc125.
try reading with the power supply.
Use a4 adapter

Here is a Picture of wires from chinese Carprog A4 Adapter
1. Blue
8. Purple

In summary,

Carprog A4 Adapter Pinout

The best, safest, faster and simplest solution is to remove the eeprom from the PCB and use the carprog eeprom adapter .

in this way, all possible problems are avoided.

Credits to tech support from

Case: Carprog reads/writes eeprom 95160

Car: bsi citroen berlingo 2004

Eeprom: 95160

Carprog programmer manages to change mileage successfully on citroen berlingo 2004

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